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Do you think that academic research, continuing professional development & training, 

and international-level performance could be more integrated?


Read about il Corago's 5-year, international award-winning Text, Rhythm, Action! program here.

Watch our latest video-report here. Study Historical Action here.

2018 Text, Rhythm, Action! events in collaboration with OPERA OMNIA here.

Andrew Lawrence-King writes...

Il Corago o vero alcune osservazioni per metter bene in scena le composizioni drammatiche [Il Corago, or some observations on the best way to stage dramatic compositions] is an anonymous manuscript from about 1630, full of down-to-earth practical advice for a theatre's corago [Artistic Director]. A new English translation is in preparation, you can reserve an option to pre-order here.

Il Corago's aims are certezza in arte e perfezione in palco [assuredness in art and perfection on stage]. Although he must respect the poetic text, the corago has 'universal command' over construction of the stage and scenery, design of backdrop and set, costumes, acting, music, dancing, stage fights, machinery and lighting etc.

Any good theatre production depends on practical competence, and a wise corago will find a talented maestro for each of these specialised skills. But two crucial principles distinguish Historical Action from modern Regietheater:

  • Baroque theatre has a unified aesthetic, a consistent vision that binds together every detail of music and staging into a self-consistent whole.

  •  Il Corago's artistic decisions are governed by the original text.

This baroque manuscript is the source of both inspiration and information for my Historical Action production company, IL CORAGO, which brings together an international team of experienced maestri in the many disciplines of baroque music-drama and period theatre.  

Read more about the 17th-century Il Corago manuscript, the modern IL CORAGO team, our productions, and our approach to Historical Action.

We'd love to hear from you. Please contact us with your comments and questions.

© Andrew Lawrence-King, 2018

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